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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:VEGA
  • 產(chǎn)品時間:2024-05-20
  • 簡要描述:以色列OPHIR公司是世界上 的激光功率能量計生產(chǎn)商。自2006年收購了激光光斑/光束分析領(lǐng)域的美國SPIRICON公司后,成為了世界上 大的激光量測設(shè)備的供應(yīng)商
  • 產(chǎn)品介紹

VEGA-Color Screen Laser Power/Energy Display

● Compatible with all Ophir thermal, pyroelectric and photodiode heads
● Brilliant color large size TFT 320x240 display
● Compact handheld design with rubberized bumpers and optimized kickstand
● Choice of digital or analog needle display
● Illuminated keys for working in the dark
● Analog output
● Log every point at up to 4000Hz with pyro heads
● Non volatile data storage up to 200,000 points
● Laser tuning screen and power and energy log
● USB and RS232 output to PC with Statistics package
● NIST traceable and CE marked
● Soft keys and menu driven functions with on line help
● Many software features such as density, min/max, scaling etc.

NOVA II-Versatile Laser Power/Energy Display
● Compatible with all Ophir thermal, pyroelectric and photodiode heads
● Large high definition LCD display
● Choice of digital or analog needle display
● 2 position kickstand
● Backlighting and rechargeable battery
● Analog output
● Log every point at up to 4000Hz with pyro heads
● Non volatile data storage up to 50,000 points
● Laser tuning screen and power and energy log
● USB and RS232 output to PC with statistics package
● NIST traceable and CE marked
● Soft keys and menu driven functions with on-line help
● Many software features such and density, min/max, scaling etc.

Laserstar-Versatile Laser Power/Energy Meter
● Two models available: dual and single channel
● Single channel model can be upgraded to dual channel
● Compatible with all Ophir thermopile, pyroelectric, photodiode and RP heads
● Large LCD display
● Backlighting and rechargeable battery
● Screen graphics and statistics (std dev. min, max)
● Analog output
● Built-in RS232 interface
● Log every data point at >1500Hz with pyroelectric heads
● Non-volatile data storage up to 50,000 points
● Laser tuning screen and power log
● Audio sound for laser tuning and low battery
● Statistics package
● GPIB option (IEEE488.1)
● NIST traceable
● CE marked
● Soft keys, menu-driven



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  • 補充說明:

  • 驗證碼:

北京卓立漢光儀器有限公司 版權(quán)所有    備案號:京ICP備05015148號-4

技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)    管理登陸    網(wǎng)站地圖

010-5637 0168-696
